global chemistry transport model

35th International TM5 Meeting (21-22 October 2024)


Location: Wageningen, Netherlands (with remote participation)

Buiding 115, Impulse

Monday: Room "Innovation" 

Tuesday: Room "Decision"

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Monday, October 21, 2024


13:00-13:20  Logistics: Connection of remote participants  Maarten Krol 

13:20 -13:30  Introduction: Welcome and further logistics Maarten Krol 


Session 1: Chemistry 


13:30-13:55    What is the fate of wildfire-produced CO in the global atmosphere? Nikos Daskalakis (Bremen)

13:55-14:20    Improvements in the composition and atmospheric evolution of organic aerosols within the TM5-MP model Stelios Myriokefalitakis (Athens)

14:20-14:45    Evaluating the capability of TM4-ECPL in simulating multi-annual changes in tropospheric ozone Kun Qu (Bremen)


14:45-15:10    Exploring the use of various atmospheric OH fields using MCF  Rasmus Nuess (Bremen)


15:10-15:40    Coffee Break


15:40-16:10    Investigating the influence of the change to electric cars on air quality using TM5-MP-HERMES Sarah-Lena Seeman (Bremen)


16:10-16:35      Simulating atmospheric hydrogen in TM5 Firmin Stroo (RUG/WUR)


Session 2: Inversions

16:35-17:00    Development of a long-window/short window data assimilation system Wouter Peters (WUR)

17:00-18:00:    General Discussion

18:30: Dinner in Wageningen


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Session 2 (cont.): Inversions

9:00-9:25:      TM5-MP CH4 inversion updates at VU Jacob van Peet (VU Amsterdam)


9:25-9:50        On CH4 inversions using TROPOMI, and how to better combine different measurements (maybe...) Santiago Parraguez-Cerda (Bremen)

9:50-10:15:     Asian CH4 fluxes estimated from CTE-CH4 coupled with TM5-MP Sara Hyvärinen (FMI)

10:15-10:45     Coffee Break

10:45-11:10    Assimilation of GOSAT partial column data in CTE-CH4 Aki Tsuruta (FMI)

11:10-11:25     Partitioning anthropogenic and natural methane emissions in Finland from 2000 to 2021 using CTE-CH4 Maria Tenkanen (FMI)

11:25-11:45    Setting up a coupled COS-CO2 4DVAR inversion system Maarten Krol & Ara Cho (WUR)

Session 3: Technical model development

11:45-12:00    Vertical mass fluxes - revision? Arjo Segers (TNO)

12:00-12:20    Creating TROPOMI superobservations for data assimilation Pieter Rijswijk (SRON)

12:20-13:00    Discussion + next meeting

  • Shared space on Snellius (Jacob Peet)

13:00-14:00     Lunch 

14:00-15:30      Steering group meeting

  © Maarten Krol 2024