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4D-VAR research
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CO production
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34th International TM5 meeting (16-17 October 2023)
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33th International TM5 Meeting (19-20 December 2022)
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32th International TM5 Meeting (30-31 May 2022)
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31th International TM5 Meeting ( 18 Oct 2021) 2
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30th International TM5 Meeting ( 22 - 23 Oct 2020)
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29th International TM5 Meeting (21 Nov - 22 Nov 2019)
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28th International TM5 Meeting (28 Feb - 1 Mar 2019)
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27th International TM5 Meeting (28-29 June 2018)
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26th International TM5 Meeting (20-21 November 2017)
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25th International TM5 Meeting (16-17 January 2017)
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24th International TM5 Meeting (27-28 June 2016)
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23th International TM5 Meeting (5-6 november 2015)
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22th International TM5 Meeting (19-20 Jan 2015)
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21th International TM5 Meeting (12 -13 May 2014)
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20th International TM5 Meeting (12-13 November 2013)
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19th International TM5 Meeting (25-26 April 2013)
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18th International TM5 Meeting (15-17 October 2012)
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17th International TM5 Meeting (28-29 November 2011)
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16th International TM5 Meeting (30-31 May 2011)
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15th International TM5 Meeting (25-26 November 2010)
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14th International TM5 Meeting (21-22 June 2010)
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13th International TM5 Meeting (7-8 December 2009)
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12th International TM5 Meeting (8-9 June 2009)
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11th International TM5 Meeting (1-2 December 2008)
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10th International TM5 Meeting (6 june 2008)
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9th International TM5 Meeting (17-18 December 2007)
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8th International TM5 Meeting (21-22 June 2007)
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7th International TM5 Meeting (18 December 2006)
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6th International TM5 Meeting (19 June 2006)
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5th International TM5 Meeting (21 December 2005)
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4th International TM5 Meeting (7 July 2005)
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3rd International TM5 Meeting (29 November 2004)
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2nd International TM5 Meeting (16 June 2004)
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1st International TM5 Meeting (12 November 2003)
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Kick-off meeting TM5 (10 June 2003)
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Model Physics
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global chemistry transport model
Alexe, M., P. Bergamaschi, A. Segers, R. Detmers, A. Butz, O. Hasekamp, S. Guerlet, R. Parker, H. Boesch, C. Frankenberg, R. A. Scheepmaker, E. Dlugokencky, C. Sweeney, S. C. Wofsy and E. A. Kort, Inverse modeling of CH4 emissions for 2010–2011 using different satellite retrieval products from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, 11493–11539, 2014
Bândă, N. et al. The effect of stratospheric sulfur from Mount Pinatubo on tropospheric oxidizing capacity and methane. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres n/a–n/a (2014). doi:10.1002/2014JD022137
Basu, S., Krol, M., Butz, A., Clerbaux, C., Sawa, Y., Machida, T., Matsueda, H., Frankenberg, C., Hasekamp, O. P., and Aben, I., The seasonal variation of the CO2 flux over Tropical Asia estimated from GOSAT, CONTRAIL, and IASI, Geophys. Res. Lett., DOI: 10.1002/2013GL059105, 2014.
Bergamaschi, P., M. Corazza, U. Karstens, M. Athanassiadou, R. L. Thompson, I. Pison, A. J. Manning, P. Bousquet, A. Segers, A. T. Vermeulen, G. Janssens-Maenhout, M. Schmidt, M. Ramonet, F. Meinhardt, T. Aalto, L. Haszpra, J. Moncrieff, M. E. Popa, D. Lowry, M. Steinbacher, A. Jordan, S. O’Doherty, S. Piacentino and E. Dlugokencky, Top-down estimates of European CH4 and N2O emissions based on four different inverse models, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, 15683–15734, 2014.
Castellanos, P. K. F. Boersma, G. R. van der Werf, Satellite observations indicate substantial spatiotemporal variability in biomass burning NOx emission factors for South America, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3929-3943, doi:10.5194/acp-134-3929-2014, 2014
Geogdzhayev, I., B. Cairns, M.I. Mischchenko, K. Tsigaridis and T. van Noije, Model-based estimation of sampling-caused uncertainty in aerosol remote sensing for climate research applications, Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1002/qj.2305, 2014.
Houweling, S., Krol, M., Bergamaschi, P., Frankenberg, C., Dlugokencky, E. J., Morino, I., Notholt, J., Sherlock, V., Wunch, D., Beck, V., Gerbig, C., Chen, H., Kort, E. A., Röckmann, T., and Aben, I.: A multi-year methane inversion using SCIAMACHY, accounting for systematic errors using TCCON measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 3991-4012, doi:10.5194/acp-14-3991-2014, 2014.
Jeoung, H., C.E. Chung, T. van Noije and T. Takemura, Relationship between fine-mode AOD and precipitation on seasonal and interannual time scales, Tellus, B, 66, 23037, doi:10.3402/tellusb.v66.23037, 2014.
Jiao, C., M.G. Flanner, et al., An AeroCom assessment of black carbon in Arctic snow and sea ice, Atm. Chem. Phys., 14, 2399-2417, doi:10.5194/acp-14-2399-2014, 2014.
Lauwaet, D., P. Viaene, E. Brisson, N.P.M. van Lipzig, T. van Noije, A. Strunk, S. Van Looy, N. Veldeman, L. Blyth, K. De Ridder and S. Janssen, The effect of climate change and emission scenarios on ozone concentrations over Belgium: a high-resolution model study for policy support, Atm. Chem. Phys., 14, 5893-5904, doi:10.5194/acp-14-5893-2014, 2014.
Mann, G.W., K.S. Carslaw, C.L. Reddington, et al., Intercomparison and evaluation of aerosol microphysical properties among AeroCom global models of a range of complexity, Atm. Chem. Phys., 14, 4679-4713, doi:10.5194/acp-14-4679-2014, 2014.
Noije, T.P.C. van, P. Le Sager, A.J. Segers, P.F.J. van Velthoven, M.C. Krol, W. Hazeleger, A.G. Williams and C.D. Chambers, Simulation of tropospheric chemistry and aerosols with the climate model EC-Earth, Geoscientific Model Development, 2014, 7, 2435-2475, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2435-2014.
Thompson, R. L., P. K. Patra, K. Ishijima, E. Saikawa, M. Corazza, U. Karstens, C. Wilson, P. Bergamaschi, E. Dlugokencky, C. Sweeney, R. G. Prinn, R. F. Weiss, S. O’Doherty, P. J. Fraser, L. P. Steele, P. B. Krummel, M. Saunois, M. Chipperfield and P. Bousquet, TransCom N2O model inter-comparison – Part 1: Assessing the influence of transport and surface fluxes on tropospheric N2O variability, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 4349–4368, 2014.
Thompson, R. L., K. Ishijima, E. Saikawa, M. Corazza, U. Karstens, P. K. Patra, P. Bergamaschi, F. Chevallier, E. Dlugokencky, R. G. Prinn, R. F. Weiss, S. O’Doherty, P. J. Fraser, L. P. Steele, P. B. Krummel, A. Vermeulen, Y. Tohjima, A. Jordan, L. Haszpra, M. Steinbacher, S. van der Laan, T. Aalto, F. Meinhardt, M. E. Popa, J. Moncrieff and P. Bousquet, TransCom N2O model inter-comparison Part II: Atmospheric inversion estimates of N2O emissions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6177–6194, 2014.
Tsigaridis, K., N. Daskalakis, M. Kanakidou, et al., The AeroCom evaluation and intercomparison of organic aerosol in global models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10845-10895, 2014.
van der Velde, I.R. et al., 2014. Towards multi-tracer data-assimilation: biomass burning and carbon isotope exchange in SiBCASA. BGD, 11(1), pp.107–149.
Williams, J. E., Le Bras, G., Kukui, A., Ziereis, H., and Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M.: The impact of the chemical production of methyl nitrate from the NO + CH3O2 reaction on the global distributions of alkyl nitrates, nitrogen oxides and tropospheric ozone: a global modelling study, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 2363-2382, doi:10.5194/acp-14-2363-2014, 2014.
Zhang, H.F., Chen, B.Z., Machida, T., et al., 2014a. Estimating Asian terrestrial carbon fluxes from CONTRAIL aircraft and surface CO2 observations for the period 2006–2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(11), pp.5807–5824.
Zhang, H.F., Chen, B.Z., van der Laan-Luijkx, I.T., et al., 2014b. Net terrestrial CO2 exchange over China during 2001-2010 estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119(6), pp.3500–3515.
© Maarten Krol 2022