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global chemistry transport model

32th International TM5 Meeting (30-31 May 2022) 

Notes of the SC meeting

Location: Wageningen (with remote participation), room Innovation, Impulse

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Link to Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 990 6987 8688

Times are Central European Summer Time (CEST=UTC+2)

Monday, May 30, 2022

13:15-13:30: Logistics: Connection of remote participants

Session 1: Inverse & Other tracer Modelling studies

13:30-13:55: Assimilating CH4 from TROPOMI en IASI in TM5 (Sander Houweling/Jacob van Peet, VU)

13:55-14:20: Amazon carbon and water cycling (Gerbrand Koren,UU)

14:20-14:45: Assimilation of TROPOMI CO in TM5-4DVAR (Rasmus Nüß,IUP/Bremen)

14:45-15:10: Wildfire emissions transport pathways in the Global atmosphere (Nikos Daskalakis,IUP/Bremen)

15:10-15:30: Break

15:30-15:55: Potential underestimation of global CH4 emissions caused by OH climatology (Sofía Gómez Maqueo Anaya (TROPOS) & Alexandra Klemme (IUP))

15:55-16:20: TM5: ongoing work (Wouter Peters, WUR)

16:20-16:45: Carbon Cycle EnKF in TM5-MP (Joram Hooghiem, WUR)

16:45-17:10: Combined assimilation of COS from MIPAS and NOAA surface observations (Jin Ma, UU)

17:10-17:30: Discussion

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Location: Wageningen (with remote participation), room Decision, Impulse

Session 2: Chemistry modelling

9:00-9:25: BrC in TM4-ECPL (Angelos Gkouvousis (ECPL))

9:25-9:50: Ice Nucleation in TM4-ECPL (Marios Chatziparaschos (ECPL))

9:50-10:15: DMS/COS chemistry developments (Stelios Myriokefalitakis, NOA, Greece)

10:15-10:45: Break

10:45-11:10: TM5-MP meets Hermes - current state - (Sarah-Lena Meyer, IUP)

Session 3: Technical developments

11:10-11:30: Updates in TM4-ECPL Meteorology: From ERA-Interim to ERA5 ( Kun Qu, IUP)

11:30-11:50: Apply EC-Earth output as the input meteorological fields in TM5 simulations (Putian Zhou, Helsinki, Finland)

11:50-12:10: Everything you never wanted to know about 4D-Var (Arjo Segers, TNO)

12:10-12:30: Discussion & Projects 

  © Maarten Krol 2023