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global chemistry transport model

29th International TM5 Meeting (21 Nov - 22 Nov 2019)

Minutes of the SC meeting

Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands

Room: Impulse (Thursday) & Atlas 2 (Friday)

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Conference ID on Friday: 5227833#

Thursday, November 21, 2019 

13:00-13:30 Logistics: Connection of remote participants

Session 1: Inverse modelling

13:30-14:00: Inversions of Californian Wildfire CO using TROPOMI (Rasmus Nüß, IUP, Bremen)

14:00-14:30: TROPOMI inversions (Jacob van Peet, VU, Amsterdam)

14:30-15:00: Inverse modelling of the global COS budget (Jin Ma, UU, Utrecht)


15:00-15:30: Coffee/Tea


15:30-16:00: Inversion of global OH using methyl chloroform (Stijn Naus, WU, Wageningen)

16:00-16:30: Interannual variation of CO2 exchange over the Amazon during 2010-2017 (Gerbrand Koren, WU, Wageningen)

16:30-17:00: CTDAS inversions using satellite observations (Liesbeth FIorentie, WU, Wageningen)

17:00-17:30: US FF CO2 emissions using C14 data in TM5 4DVAR (Sourish Basu, UMD, USA)

17:30-18:00: Discussion inverse modelling


19:00: Diner in Wageningen/Bennekom


Friday, November 22, 2019


Session 2: More Inverse modelling


9:00-9:25: Synthesis analysis of atmospheric delta13C-CH4 (Vilma Kangasaho, from FMI)

9:25-9:50: Analysis of high northern latitude CH4 emissions (Maria Tenkkanen, from FMI)

9:50-10:05: TROPOMI-related work (Aki Tsuruta, from FMI)

10:05-10:30: Update on investigating CH4 emissions from tropical wetlands (Alexandra Klemme, IUP, Bremen)

10:30-11:00: Coffee/Tea

Session 3: Technical development & Chemistry

11:00-11:25: Technical Working Group report: latest developments in TM5-MP (Philippe le Sager, KNMI, de Bilt)

11:25-11:50: Status 4DVAR-TM5MP & CAMS & other acronyms (Arjo Segers, TNO, Utrecht)

11:50-12:10: MOGUNTIA chemistry in TM5-MP (Stelios Myriokefalitatis, NOA, Greece)

12:10-12:20: New isoprene chemistry in MOGUNTIA (Angelos Gkouvousis, UOC, Greece)

12:20-12:30: Validation codes and model evaluation with satellite retrievals (Andreas Hilboll, IUP, Bremen)

12:30-13:30: Lunch

13:30-13:45:  Modelling activities of the LAMOS group involving TM (Nikos Daskalakis, IUP, Bremen)

13:45-14:00: Ice Nuclei & the Nitrogen cycle (Maria Kanakidou & Marios, UOC, Crete)

14:00-15:30: Discussion followed by steering group meeting 

  © Maarten Krol 2022