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global chemistry transport model

28th International TM5 Meeting (28 Feb - 1 Mar 2019)


Location: Institute of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing – IUP, Laboratoty for Modeling and Observation of the Earth System (LAMOS)

Room: U1050, NW1 building, Otto-Hahn-Allee 1, Bremen.

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Presentations on:

Thursday, February 28th, 2019 

13:00-13:30 Logistics: Connection of remote participants

13:30 -13:40 Nikos Daskalakis: Introduction: Welcome and further logistics

Session 1: Inverse Modeling Talks (Chair: Mihalis Vrekoussis)


13:40-14:00: TM5-4DVAR development at VU (Jacob van Peet, VU)

14:00-14:20: CO inversions in the Amazon region (Stijn Naus, WUR)

14:20-14:40:  Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2 over the Amazon (Gerbrand Koren)

14:40-15:00: Recent developments at FMI (Aki Tsuruta, FMI)

15:00-15:30. Coffee Break

15:30-15:50: Global CH4 inversions 2000-2017 (Peter Bergamaschi, JRC)

15:50-16:10: COS: Towards an inverse modelling framework to constrain the global budget and global primary production (Maarten Krol, WUR, UU)

16:10-17:00:  Discussion: TM5-4D-VAR (All participants)

17:00-18:00:  Excursion (Optional): Visit to the Green-IT-Room (Hosted by Marius Dan)

19:30: Dinner


Friday, March 1st, 2019 

Atm. Chemistry Talks 

09:00-9:20: Aerosol modelling at ECPL (Maria Kanakidou, ECPL)

09:20-09:40: Impact of Biomass Burning in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean (Nikos Daskalakis, IUP)

09:40-10:00: Investigating CH4 emissions from tropical Wetlands (Alexandra Klemme, IUP)

10:00-10:20: Effective rdiative forcing of TM5 aerosols in EC-Earth (Tommi Bergman, KNMI)

10:20-11:00:  Discussion: Chemistry in TM4 & TM5 (All participants)

10:30-11:30: Coffee Break 


Technical talks

11:30-11:50: TM5mp adjoint (Arjo Segers, TNO)

11:50-12:10: TM4 surface pressure “feature” (Nikos Daskalakis, IUP)

12:10-13:00: Open discussion: TM5 and next meeting (All)

13:00:   End of meeting

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-16:00: Steering group meeting

  © Maarten Krol 2022