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global chemistry transport model

25th International TM5 Meeting (16-17 January 2017)

Meeting Notes

SRON, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Meeting location: De Jagerzaal, Sorbonnelaan 2, Utrecht.

Video conference address (H.323/SIP):


 Monday 16 January


13:00: Walk in / video connection setup

13:25: Welcome, logistics

Session 1: Greenhouse gases 

13:30-13:50     Aki Tsuruta (FMI)

Update of CTE-CH4 and activities at FMI

13:50-14:10     Arjo Segers (TNO)

CAMS CH4 Reanalysis

14:10-14:30     Narcisa Nechita-Banda (IMAU)

First tests of the joint CO-CO2 inversion system

14:30-14:50     Gerbrand Koren (MAQ)

Modeling the triple oxygen isotope 𝛥17O in CO2


14:50-15:20     Break


15:20-15:40     Sander Houweling (SRON)

CAMS comparison of IFS and TM5 simulated CH4

Session 2: Atmospheric Transport & TM Development 

15:40-16:00     Maria Kanakidou (UoC)

Update of activities in Crete 

16:00-16:20     Philippe Le Sager (KNMI)

Proposals for a faster TM5

16:20-16:40     Maarten Krol (MAQ/IMAU/SRON)

A 4D-Var inversion system based on the icosahedral grid model (NICAM-TM 4D-Var)

16:40-17:00: Andy Jacobson (NOAA)

The Carbon Cycle Response to the 2015-16 El Niño / HDF vs. Netcdf

19:30 Diner in Utrecht

Tuesday 17 January


Session 3: Atmospheric chemistry


9:00-9:20         Stelios Myriokefalitakis (IMAU)

The Odeon Project

9:20-9:40         Roland Schrödner (CEC Lund)

Primary biological aerosol particles in EC-Earth

9:40-10:00       Marco de Bruine (IMAU)

TM5 in EC-Earth, change in aerosol burden by using online meteorology for wet deposition


10:00-10:30     Break


10:30-10:50     Vincent Huijnen (KNMI)

Chemistry modeling in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service: Current Status

10:50-11:10     Tommi Bergman (KNMI)

Current status of TM5 for AerChemMIP


Session 4: General Discussion Topics

11:10-12:30     Future of TM5, cIFS, Open-IFS 

12:30                Lunch

13:30                Steering Committee meeting etc.

  © Maarten Krol 2022